Friday, June 19, 2020

LAST Week for Garlic Scapes and Plants! Be Back around August 1st with Garlic...

This week is it for plants and scapes as the season at WeeBee Farms rolls over to garlic harvest. As usual we will take the end of June through July to harvest the garlic, let it cure and get it prettied up for sale. Plants for sale tomorrow include beans, zucchini, melons, sunflowers, Tithonia (pictured) blue morning glories and other plants for pollinators.

Stay tuned for the exact date of our return with garlic by checking back here. (Choose "follow" in the upper right area on this page) You may also check our online sales website at to see if you can pre-order garlic online. We will probably have some garlic available for sale through the site so check it out in about a month.