Sunday, October 26, 2014

One More Market with Garlic on November 1st!

The Farmer's Market was a bit slower yesterday because of the CU game- so there is still some garlic to buy next Saturday! Mostly we'll have the long storing Inchelium Red that will store to January or February. There will also be some German Extra Hardy, a few variety bags for planting or eating and whatever other garlic we find that we don't have room to plant ...

Friday, October 24, 2014

BIG garlic on our Last Day!

Tomorrow we will be selling lots of big garlic, since I ran out of planting room and am selling some that was reserved for my seed stock. Lots of Inchelium Red, and also some variety bags of bigger garlic (for eating or planting), regular variety bags and small quantities of 10 other types of garlic.
I anticipate selling out tomorrow so come by to get the last of your garlic or just to say Hi!
The Boulder Farmer's Market will be going through the 3rd Saturday in November.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

We'll be at market October 18th and 25th (Downtown Boulder)

Inchelium Red Garlic
Although last weekend was super-busy and we are running out of many kinds of garlic there is still lots of good garlic for the next two Saturdays. We grew plenty of Inchelium Red this year- the longest storing garlic. You can usually store it until January, many customers tell me they store it til March successfully! It's tasty and versatile- good for a lot of cooked and raw dishes. To store it a long time try keeping it a paper bag in a cool place, or the fridge.
There is plenty of bigger garlic for planting for this coming Saturday, too! It's a good time to start planting.
If you would like to see more about the Boulder Farmers Market and parking maps go to
We are at downtown Boulder only and when we sell out there is no more!