Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Longmont date • Garlic Storage • Stay healthy with garlic!

Unfortunately, last Saturday was our last market at the Boulder Farmer's Market. Because of some Spring pests and problems the crop was 60% of the usual. We have a small amount of garlic left over and will sell that at the Longmont Farmers' Market on October 13th. That market is at Boulder County Fairgrounds and goes from 8-1 (It may sell out well before 1pm.)
There are some larger heads for eating or planting - about 4 kinds. And 3 types of regular size garlic that is strong, tasty and great for cooking. And some small/ medium garlic that will store a while. In fact most of the garlic will store until December or through the end of December.
Garlic Storage Be sure to keep your garlic in a paper bag if you want longer-term storage.  You can keep it in the fridge in the paper bag, but keep in mind it will start to sprout as soon as you take it out. You can squeeze your bulbs to check for signs that it's time to use it up. If cloves are going soft use those first. You can rehydrate them in some hot water (or soup!) to use if they are drying out.
Use your garlic to stay healthy! Look at the top right section of this blog page, click on "Pages" and select the page called "Health Benefits of Garlic". Our family has had great results using garlic mixed with honey for treating colds and sickness.