Some of our Tomato Varieties from WeeBee Farms, All from Organic seeds
............See Planting Instructions at bottom of this page
Started from Organic Seeds
The All time Favorite at WeeBee Farms, And Our Go-To
Salsa making tomato
EXCELLENT, sweet flavor! Has produced huge amounts every year at WeeBee Farms
under all kinds of conditions. Medium to large tomatoes (3-4") that are fabulous in
salads and also our favorite for salsa-making in spite of being quite juicy.An old-time French market tomato.
Disease-resistant, crack- resistant and resistant to blossom-end rot. Open Pollinated Organic Seeds. 75 days, Indeterminate
Latah (Very Early!)
Started from Organic Seed
Favorite Early Tomato at WeeBee Farms
Developed at Latah County at the University of Idaho . Very early bright red tomato that average about 2 inches across. The flavor is very good and better than many of the super early varieties, although it doesn't produce heavily. Indeterminate, regular leaf foliage. Light, airy foliage, small plant.
50 Days to maturity. Good for Containers
Started from Organic Seed
Favorite Early Tomato at WeeBee Farms
Developed at Latah County at the University of Idaho . Very early bright red tomato that average about 2 inches across. The flavor is very good and better than many of the super early varieties, although it doesn't produce heavily. Indeterminate, regular leaf foliage. Light, airy foliage, small plant.
50 Days to maturity. Good for Containers
Started from Organic Seeds
A New Zealand heirloom that we grow every year at WeeBee Farms. The smooth, 3-inch, round, uniformly ripening fruits are beautiful orange globes, typically borne in clusters of two or more. Sweet, juicy and exceptionally flavorful. Also called Earl of Edgecombe. 73 days, Indeterminate.
Started from Organic Seeds
Deep red cherries are smaller than average with an exceptional flavor many consider the best. Matt’s keeps producing copious quantities when every other tomato in the field is down for the count with early blight. Pick frequently as skin is thin and cracks easily. Shows moderate field tolerance to Late Blight. Up to 1/4 oz fruit. Indeterminate, tall plants, Disease Resistance: Early Blight
55 days, Indeterminate. Plants grow very wide reaching almost 5 feet in each direction. We sometimes prune them back. The most nutritious tomato!
Paul Robeson
Started from organic seeds
Started from organic seeds
Days: 74
Size: Indeterminate (Big) plants, 3-4” tomatoes
We tried this at WeeBee Farms in 2015 and have added it to our "must-grow" list! The taste is incredible, as sweet as Carmello, but with a rich almost "smoky" overtone. Also the story behind Paul Robeson (the man) is compelling.
Russian heirloom. This "purple-black" beefsteak tomato is slightly
flattened, round, and grows to 4-inches. It's deep, rich colors stand it apart
from others, dusky, dark-red, with dark-green shoulders and red flesh in its
center. Very flavorful fruits with luscious, earthy, exotic flavors and good
acid/sweet balance. Very similar to Black Krim, but just a tad better. Won "Best of Show" at Carmel TomatoFest in California.
2”long tomatoes
These very good flavor and although technically a "paste" type they are juicy and flavorful- we use them for salads and sandwiches.
We tried this at WeeBee Farms in 2015 and have added it to our "must-grow" list! The taste is incredible, as sweet as Carmello, but with a rich almost "smoky" overtone. Also the story behind Paul Robeson (the man) is compelling.
Days: 82
Size: Indeterminate,2”long tomatoes
These very good flavor and although technically a "paste" type they are juicy and flavorful- we use them for salads and sandwiches.
Started from Organic Seeds
Days: 74
Plant type: Indeterminate
We finally found an organic version of "Sungold" after years of trials at WeeBee Farms! Goldie Girl has that classic sungold flavor, size and productivity. An Italian heirloom. Tall indeterminate plants that yield huge amounts of 3/4 inch golden cherry tomatoes that are bursting with sweet flavor.
Days: 78
Plant type: Indeterminate
Our most unusual offering. These ripen from the inside out, and literally store until Thanksgiving, with very good flavor even from the green ones stored til later. A WeeBee Farms favorite for 3 years that we've decided to finally sell. It will be soft, but look pale orange/ greenish on the outside when it's ready to pick.

When you slice it open it will be red/pink on the inside, juicy with lots of flavor. Plant them last, and pick them last.
These are hard to explain it but once you try it you'll see what we mean and why we always grow a couple of these plants. High yielding indeterminate plants.
Toma Verde Tomatillo
Started from Organic Seed
Sweet Flavor!
Plants are Big- Give lots of room
Need 2 plants to cross-pollinate
Early variety. Flavor is tart when young and fruit becomes sweeter as it ripens. Medium to large size fruits are ready to harvest when husks split and fruit color changes from a yellow-green to medium green. Perfect for Salsa Verde or as a special addition to any Mexican dish or salad. Uniform fruit and high yields. Semi-determinate. 60 Days to maturity
Purple Tomatillo
Started from Organic Seed
Sweet Fruity Flavor! Gorgeous color.
Plants are Big- Give lots of room
Need 2 plants to cross-pollinate
Early variety. Flavor is tart when young and fruit becomes sweeter as it ripens. Taste is similar to green tomatillos, but a bit richer. Perfect for Salsa and also great in salads. High yields. Semi-determinate. 60 Days to maturity
Started from Organic Seed
Sweet Flavor!
Plants are Big- Give lots of room
Need 2 plants to cross-pollinate
Early variety. Flavor is tart when young and fruit becomes sweeter as it ripens. Medium to large size fruits are ready to harvest when husks split and fruit color changes from a yellow-green to medium green. Perfect for Salsa Verde or as a special addition to any Mexican dish or salad. Uniform fruit and high yields. Semi-determinate. 60 Days to maturity

Purple Tomatillo
Started from Organic Seed
Sweet Fruity Flavor! Gorgeous color.
Plants are Big- Give lots of room
Need 2 plants to cross-pollinate
Early variety. Flavor is tart when young and fruit becomes sweeter as it ripens. Taste is similar to green tomatillos, but a bit richer. Perfect for Salsa and also great in salads. High yields. Semi-determinate. 60 Days to maturity
To order tomato plants:
Tomato plants require full sun to
produce. Many tomato plants will reach around 3-4 ft high and about 3
feet wide. For pots choose smaller varieties and 5 gallon pots minimum
Planting Tomatoes from WeeBee Farms
We recommend planting around memorial day to
June 1st. We have gotten fabulous tomatoes almost every year this way. If you
plant earlier, be prepared to protect them in case of frost. Also prepare to
protect them during the first frosts in September.
Make sure your tomatoes are hardened off and ready
for full sun and wind. The ones we sell are always hardened off and ready to plant.
tomatoes in good soil, preferably with good organic compost mixed in. Fox Farms brand is a good potting mix with compost to amend your soil with. Dig a very deep
planting hole and plant the tomato as deep as possible with the bottom leaves
trimmed off.
Water the planting hole deeply before and after
planting. Tomatoes should be watered regularly thereafter. Irregular watering
promotes blossom-end rot. We fertilize our tomatoes at planting time with
organic compost and not after that. Too much fertilizer can cause lots of leaf
growth and not enough tomato production. Use a sturdy metal cage supported with
a sturdy post for each plant. Full size plants can topple over if not supported correctly.