Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 23rd Market Update

We missed last market due to the cold, rainy, snowy forecast- I didn't think too many people would be gardening last weekend.
Now we have twice as many plants to sell this Saturday! They are all well-hardened off, as they were out in the cold and snow with just a shade cloth to protect them from wind and heavy snow.

It's still cool enough for all the cool weather plants to thrive!

-->We have 8 types of Kale, Broccolini (Broccoli Piracicaba), Rapini (broccoli raab), Colorful Red Mustards, Colorful lettuces (heat tolerant types), Komatsuna ("Japanese Spinach") Onion starts, bok choy, Pea starts, Salad bowl planters, Swiss Chard (3 colors), Collard greens, Cabbage, Garlic greens, arugula and more.