Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Garlic scapes are here!

We will have garlic scapes for sale this weekend!

Also plants for your garden: Peppers, Cucumbers, Squash, Melon, Tomatoes and Flowers.

Scapes will be at market from now until June 25th (or possibly July 2nd) being at the peak on June 18th.
Harvesting Your Scapes- (Hardnecks only) Clip or break the central seed stalk when they make a loop, or shortly afterwards (usually in June.) Clipping the scapes will give you larger bulbs. (However your bulbs will store longer if you keep the scape on.) Eat the scapes!
How to use: Put in your eggs, beans, potatoes, pasta, soup - anywhere you would use garlic. Make pesto (puree with olive oil and salt) and spread on bread, sandwiches, pizza crust. Sautee for a minute, add salt and serve as your pasta topping. You may want to cut off the bottom part if it is tough, and the tip. You can use the flower part in your food if you like. They are great grilled whole too!
Scapes will store for 2 months in the fridge in a plastic bag.
Harvest time comes about 3 weeks after scapes. Stay tuned for a post on when to harvest garlic (or search posts from previous years)