Sunday, July 12, 2020

Garlic Harvest Update

The harvest went well this year. Most of the digging was relatively easy  (except for where the neighbors' cows walked through the field in March and compacted the soil!) and we got finished before the super hot weather. Phew!
Getting the last of the harvest

Putting away the garlic to "cure"

The garlic crop is decent, especially compared to last year (we lost 60% due to a weather event). We did lose some garlic to weather ....again... sigh....  but all in all it's not bad.  Some regular size garlic, lots of smaller garlic and some larger size garlic for planting. The disease problem (white rot) didn't show itself this year, although there are still spores in the soil in the field so all garlic will need to be treated with a hot water soak before planting.
Then plan is to come to Boulder market on August 1st with garlic. 
Inchelium Red drying after harvest